Halftime Sports Pub
2525 West International Speedw Suite 6
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Volusia County
Phone: (386) 257-4881
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Hours: unknown
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by Valerie V. on
A group of my close friends and I had a great misfortune of reserving this place for New Year's Eve. We purchased a table for 8 people, for which we had pre-paid well in advance, presuming that $1,000 will buy us space to dance and sit down. We also figured that getting bottle service warrants speedy entrance into the club. Boy, were we wrong! When we arrived at Voyeur, it took us about 10 minutes just to get the attention of the doorman with a clickboard, and then we were ignored for about 15 more minutes, while people who paid general admission waltzed right into the club.. The hostess finally addressed us, and said if we do not stop asking about our table, she would have to "seat us at the bar" (how dare we ask about the table we paid for??? lol). When she finally indulged us and led us inside, it took us another 10 minutes to plow our way through the crowd. Upon arrival at our table, our jaws dropped. For 8 people, they had a tiny little stool of a table in a backroom, and two chairs on each side of it. The table was in the entrance way so everybody going to get a drink at the bar would have to shove us aside to get through!!! We barely had time to get a glass of something in our hand to ring in the New Year. Since we could barely dance and we could not sit, the only other thing we deemed entertaining was to witness a scene of a drunk chick in the corner being constantly groped by some random guys, and occasioanlly vomiting into a bucket and directly on the floor. At no point did any members of the staff come to clean up the vomit or look into the "gangrape" situtaion that was unfolding. Another highlight of the evening - a drink chick fell on top of our table from the stage, spilling our alcohol all over the place. This place was so overpacked, the fire marshall showed up. I also noticed that our bottle of Grey Goose was diluted with water!!! The crowd overall was unattractive and immature. I do not expect elegance and charm from a place like this, especially on New Year's Eve. However, professionalism, a bit of perspective and ethical treatment of patrons could have been nice. They simply sold out table because they wanted to make more profit. SInce the table was pre-paid, they did not care. One star is honestly too much for this place, but they won't let me rate in negative stars, so this will have to do.  YUCK YUCK YUCK!
by Dela A. on
Im sorry, I dont really like this place.  It is a great atmosphere but the band was terrible.  I take that back... Not the whole band.  Just the singer singing "Dont want no hateration, holleration in this dancerie" in what appeared to be a cheap ass ballroom gown.  I have some friends that sware by this place but anytime I have ever went, the guys are usually old and wasted with very thick accents making them hard to understand.  By the time a good song comes on, the shantee of a dance floor is too small to even do a two step.  Theres never anywhere to sit, so if you cant dance on the floor  you can only stand looking at the awesome views in stilettos that are killing your feet, praying the night will soon end.
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