Hammerheads Bar & Grill
403 East Washington
Arma, KS 66712
Crawford County
Phone: (620) 347-4155
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Henry Bilello on
Cute little lounge. Went there for some kind of 'underground' disco party, good times. And another place where they do not serve Corona!!!
by Russel Kuennen on
The server was a trip on this Thursday night..super friendly, with a hint theatrics, adds to the fun. It's amazing how much a little personality behind the bar, can make a a neighborhood bar, the kind of place you walk out of your way for. I had the jambalaya and it was done well with all the ingredients mixing, sometimes that doesn't happen. My friend liked her hot sausage, ( thats a n awkward sentence) and who would have thunk, that green beans were the perfect bar snack. Reasons why this place didn't hit the big 4or 5 star are it gets crowded even on a week night. You have to eat practical on your neighbors lap. finally, its very hot in there. first visit was in early May, and it was sweltering, did drink my beers fast, so for them its a plus. I was going to stop in two weeks ago, but as I went inside the heat hit me in the face, so I left. last night it was un seasonably cool, so i decided perfect night for a visit, and I was right. I think come Fall, i will be frequenting this nice bar more often.
by Joshua L. on
I've been to The Cinch exactly three times. During two of those three times, I was affected directly and dearly by violence in relation to the sole pool table that is placed all up in the middle of the place. The one other time was during the most horrific Halloween drag show I will ever be borne witness to. Incident # 1) The 4th Annual DYGay was here. It was a glorious night. I was a gracious DYGay host while facing raging diarrhea (truly "the hostest with the, ahem, moistest"), a wonderful Christian-turned-ho friend was visiting from the East Coast, and the Great Wall Of China was in place on the benches against one end of the bar. Then, some "scene punk" kid with plugs in his earlobes went batguano crazy every time someone stepped near his lover - I mean, pool table. Like, yanking pool sticks out of people's hands, saying "Nu-uh, I STILL had dibs" and other kinds of nonsense. This thuggish Korean gay who I was all up on almost got in a fight with him too. It would have been a turn-on, except I am against violence, so I had to play peace maker, which sort of made me sad. Incident # 2) The API Wellness Center Beer Bust Fundraiser. The #1 Faux Queen Asian Drag Queen In San Francisco, Avieyonne Flieux (pronounced "Avian Flu") performed her now-infamous "I Am Every Sweet Dove's Dream" medley ( http://www.youtube.com...), a muscle bear daddy porn star stripped for charity and exposed one ball (just one), and I got yelled at by an old man for "almost ruining" his pool game. I stood there and feigned mock concern to the point where he felt so bad and apologized to me, while I continued to patronize his anger and made sure he wasn't hurt at all. It was sort of disturbing how seriously this old man took pool playing at 3 pm on a Sunday afternoon. In conclusion, I have been victim to pool-side violence TWICE out of three times I have been to The Cinch. Violence? At a gay bar? In relation to a cue stick and a bunch of marble balls!? Seriously???
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