Hamp's Place
3028 West Northside Drive
Jackson, MS 39213
Hinds County
Phone: (601) 981-4110
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Dick Tamashiro on
I F*in LOVE this place! I was in LA last weekend and I was relying on my fellow rateclubsers to guide me in the right direction of a good electronic club. Me and my boyfriend were deciding on Avalon (btw...went there later...SO not impressed), Vanguard, or here. After I was able to reassure my boyfriend that Saturday was STRAIGHT night and getting on the $15 Guest List, we decided this would be our first stop. The wait wasnt bad at all (15 min at 11pm) and after paying at the door we were all set. Turns out we picked a freakin AWESOME night to come here. Another party was going on called the Bat Cave which essentially was a gothic bondage fetish party....mixed in with an electronic crowd....I've never seen these two types of people collide in my life and actually get along! Awesome. Not only is this place HUGE and have plenty of rooms to wander around in but theres a freakin taco truck in the back! This is quite possibly the BEST idea EVER! Food at a club. This should always happen. And it should always be tacos. We only left to check out Avalon and we were severely dissappointed that we left. Circus Disco is a blast and I am DEFINITLY coming back here!
by sigourney w. on
I really liked this bar the two times I've been here. The first time was the Snuggie Pub Crawl, which was awesome. They have delicious mango margaritas. I like that it's a bar that also has dancing because regular bars can get a little boring. I also like that it's not ridiculously overpriced. However, the Long Island I ordered tasted kinda funky. Obviously, I drank it anyway. Maybe I'll just stick to the mango margaritas :) This place is a lot of fun! Both times I went there were tons of people but not sooo many that I felt crammed or that I couldn't get a drink (like at Slide...) Oh but yes, there is only one bathroom, so that kinda sucks. However, you can chat with people while you're waiting in line? So...not toooo bad
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