Handlebar J Restaurant and Saloon
7116 E Becker Ln
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Maricopa County
Phone: (480) 948-0110
Fax: (480) 948-4662
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Odis Duffer on
Gross. Low-quality meat smelled like dog-food. Cheese Wiz was watery. It is a sad state of a sandwich when the only nice thing you can say is, "Sweet onions." And the anti-immigrant sentiment is disgusting. Last I checked you are a third or fourth generation Italian, Geno or Mr. Vento. Were your relatives fluent English speakers when they stepped off of the boat?
by Queenie C. on
I think most ppl who are raving about this place has probably never left Atlanta.  I can tell because you guys keep on saying "Bubble tea" which makes me laugh...  just to educate you guys...it's called BOBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pastry here is pretty mediocre and the drinks are horrid and overpriced..their reg coffee tastes like runny and watery..  Their pot bing soo is a joke.... just an average Korean bakery that rely on looks than substance P.S are you surprised that this bakery doesn't offer both milk tea boba &  Smoothie Boba????   That's because it's not a boba place .it's a bakery that serves a mocking version of boba on the side!!!  og and this is Atlanta...you are never gonna find a place devoted to just boba tea for about the next 10 years..so stop complaining or just MOVE TO LA...then you'll find boba shops in every corner!!!!!!!!!
by Horace Buchko on
This place is definitely not for me.... I've been there three times. I like the fact they have more than one big dance floor, but I think it's not worth waiting for such a long line. Every time I go there, I feel unsatisfied. I like to go out and dance, but it's mostly staring others and people awkwardly hanging out on the dance floor. I wasn't feeling the music nor people the last time I went there, I just went, because my friends wanted to... It's very unlikely for me to return to this place again unless there is a ridiculously amazing event taking place.
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