Hannah Bar
208 3rd Street
Wales, ND 58281
Cavalier County
Phone: (701) 283-5144
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Jen L. on
Tao is all about the ambiance. But I find that even with the ambiance it has to offer, I can't appreciate it. Its prices are not reasonable, but hey- you're in New York. The drinks were almost impossible to avoid Vodka, which can be quite fatal for someone who is allergic to this popular poison. I asked the bartender to suggest a drink for me that doesn't have Vodka and she was not helpful. I proceeded to ask her to substitute vodka for some other ailment, she was again not helpful. Surprise, surprise! Even some of the drinks that didn't state Vodka had drinks that derive from it. But what are the chances that you'll be allergic? Go on friends, drink away their expensive and tasteless drinks. Don't get the tao-tini. Yuck. Though their Tao-jito was pretty good. As far as food, I can't have a say at it. So, maybe if I ever do go back here, I'll update this and change my rating. I recommend you hail a cab and head over to another similar Buddha aficionado restaurant- Buddakan. Way more classy and ambiance is unbeatable.
by Chang Klepper on
Like the other dude said, it reminded me a bit more of the clubs i was used to in Chicago, but then i remembered why i hate all teh clubs in chicago. 6th street seems to be meant for a good time with cheap drinks, not some posh place where people get denied....zZzz pure just seemed a bit out of place to me, and i had a friend get denied because of shorts.
by Ezequiel Disponette on
Tired of being the beer/purse holder while all your friends are cutting a rug on the dance floor? If you want to learn to dance, but the idea sends shivers down your spine, Four on the Floor is for you. For nearly ten years FotF (as it's known to it's students) has been the place to go for beginner-friendly lessons in swing and lindy hop. FotF offers classes every Tuesday night at the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs building (24th at San Gabriel). Their classes are perfect for the non-committal: $10 gets you into a single class or you can sign up for a four-week series for $54. While swing and lindy hop is the organization's specialty, they've been known to also offer classes in Charleston, balboa, and blues. The teaching staff at Four on the Floor includes some of the best dancers and nicest people in Austin. Each class I've taken from a Four on the Floor has been well organized, useful, and (most importantly) fun. FotF also offers the most diverse student body of any Austin dance organization. Classes consist of dancers from 16 to 60, so no matter who you are, you'll find someone new to meet and dance with. Still not sure? FotF offers a free dance after their Tuesday night classes. Stop in and check it out and pretty soon you might find yourself out on the dance floor.
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