1625 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77006
Harris County
Phone: (713) 528-7827
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Hours: unknown
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by Rick V. on
This is the bowling lounge of the stars! I have been there three times. The last time i was on a lane next to Tyra Banks. Before that I was next to Hugh Jackman and his kids-great guy. The time before was for a birthday party for a friend where Joba Chamberlain from the Yankees was three lanes down. The dress code is hard core, but I'm a big boy and dress like it. I appreciate the dress code and keeping out that Chelsea Pier and Leisure Time Lanes undesirable violent crowd.. The service was spot on, the specialty drinks were great, prices below market value and the decor is very high end. If you want to have fun with a great interactive activity such as bowling-it begins and ends with Lucky Strike Lanes. Bowlmor down town is skeevotz, the new location at times square is a tourist trap and cheesy. Lucky Strike has a great DJ with awesome music. The servers are beautiful and attentive. Last thing, they have a great lounge with the NFL package and the best Super Bowl deal in the city. 75.00 all you can eat and drink!!!!? I'm down!!! See you there! My friends and I live nearby and actually take advantage of their resident program. I suggest going there just to hang out in their lounge with all the big screens and plasmas. Can't wait for Super Bowl!!!!
by Ang H. on
I admit I did enjoy this club about 2 years ago. After awhile,  I guess everyone started hearing about it so everyone and their  moms (literally) decided to start going there. It gets way too crowded,  they don't have a good enough ventiliation system on the bottom floor, and it can get VERY stuffy and I mean sweaty, stinky smelly stuffy. The venue is a nice set up, but the crowd now has become way too ghetto or So Cal poser types (no offense to my So Cal friends).
by Nelda Nager on
Someone wrote that art is merely the decor at Minna, not the focus. That's true. However, at least it's trying. And I don't know of any other places that try to blend art with a bar scene successfully (send me a message if you know a place). I think people take umbrage with Minna because they see it as trying to be a gallery first and foremost, when it's not. If you can get past that, you'll enjoy it. The art is interesting to look at and can serve as a nice conversational ice breaker with others. I enjoy the mix of the crowd best here, which is what really gives it the 4th star. I've had conversations with photo journalists, baristas and teachers here. The style of dress is all over the map, too. Come as you are. Drinks can be weak depending on the bartender. The hanging turntables is a neat look for the nights DJs spin, but I would have to think the swinging drives them a little nuts. Every time I've been here there have been very attractive women too. ;)
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