Havana Bar
105 South Main Street
New Hope, PA 18938
Bucks County
Phone: (215) 862-9897
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Matthew P. on
If you see this show, you're going to have a great time. Fantastic music, dancing, lighting, multimedia, costumes, acting. Fela! tells a story about Fela Koti, a Nigerian musician/political activist, explaining how through international travel and experiences, he melded musical styles (traditional African, jazz, funk, soul, highlife Cuban) and the politics of his day (including Black Power), into the style that's become known as Afrobeats. Similar to other recent Broadway musicals like Hair, Fela! bring the audience into the play. A short hip thrusting dance lesson, direct interaction with the audience as if you're in Fela's Nigerian nightclub, The Shrine. Dancing in the aisles. But it works well and doesn't come across hokey or gratuitous.
by Roosevelt Cashion on
I came here on Saturday.  My gf put us on the guest list but some how when we got there, we weren't on.  POO! Other than that, the crowd was a good mix, the DJs were awesome, the music was awesome.  I used to go to BOCA before it closed down and this place is a great place to listen to some nice house and techno music. I'm definitely coming back and checking it out on their wednesdays.  They just need to work on their guest list system.
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