Hero's Bar & Grill
2215 North 14th Street
Ponca City, OK 74601
Kay County
Phone: (580) 762-8311
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Ronaldy M. on
1. Girl-guy ratio to ensure entrance: 3 to 1 2. Prepare to pay to get in guys even with the right ratio. 3. Expensive and rather weak drinks. 4. More packed than Costco before Thanksgiving. 5. You'll come out smelling like Acqua di Gio and body odor. Eww In short, this is a typical hetero establishment. Blah.
by Ami Spittler on
Not sure if stopping by Player's @ 3AM is the best idea. Their jalepeno burger is the equivalent of a greasy nuclear gutbomb. The fried zuchini didn't seem worth the price we paid, there were only 7 fried zuchini chips that were included. Drive through service wasn't on par. The old guy wouldn't repeat the order when at the intercom for who knows what reason, and when we got to the window to pay, he questioned my request to repeat the order once again and looked at me as if I was a stupid hoodlum. However karma struck back because he repeated the order completely wrong and had like 6 items on it, when I only ordered 3. So ya, who's the dumbass now.
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