405 Baskins Road
Rock Hill, SC 29730
York County
Phone: (803) 328-6630
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by M C. on
Came here with a group and was disappointed right off. All of us had put our names on the guess list and when the time came, a few of us weren't there and had to pay the full $20 cover charge. So if you go, make sure you put your name several times. Inside the place is decorated nicely, but the music wasn't all there. We stayed mainly downstairs in the blue padded room with techno and occasionally when out the house, but it wasn't anything that was good just loud. Drinks were ranging from $3-12. Started off my first drink with $8. My second cocktail came out to be $12 and later asked for a cup of Sprite and bottle of water that came out to be $6. This place should had gotten even less stars except the bouncers were great. Had to look for a friend and was scared she was outside. After finding she was still inside, they let me back in without paying an additional $20 cover, since they had a no in&out policy.
by Francesco Adner on
I got really drunk here with the bubble lounge girl (see bubble lounge review for backstory)  so drunk in fact that we (me and bubble lounge girl)  fell asleep in my car which was, at the time, a white saturn a.k.a. "White Chocolate."  She woke up at 5 am, pushed me over and drove me home......... according to her.  I do not recall any of this.........
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