Hideout Cabaret
East Valley
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Maricopa County
Phone: (602) 431-1010
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Ira B. on
I can't help but to recommend this place on a sunny *and not windy* day. You'll pay for the location but it's worth it. However, do not eat the food. I've ordered the burger and fries from here three times over a period of two years. Each time I've been not only disappointed but nearly sick. Listen when I tell you this: "The food is truly the same of that which is sold in the street-meat carts." Pretend that you're a music scholar for a moment and that I've placed a 'da capo' at the end of the prior sentence, requesting that you repeat (or re-read) it. But, this shouldn't stop you from going. By the way, you should probably only go here with a group of friends. Unless of course you're the pastel color, deck shoe wearing, fraternity looking, loves to be mingling with my collar popped type of individual.
by Tom E. on
So there's this video on my phone that I've found from Friday night at RISE - time stamped 4.05 am.... Watching it back is like getting hit by the Ludovico technique - it's a mesmerizing brainwash of white noise, cell speaker shattering bassy whoomp whoomps and fleeting distorted flashes of multicoloured people taking dancing to a new level. Ok, there was no Ludwig Van, Dharma Initiative or Mugatu in this video but it still transfixes me every time I see it. I think it's sending messages to my mind... go back to RISE, go back to RISE. It's working.
by Herminia Manbeck on
This place is all about the salsa dancing!  They've got a stage for live bands on Thursdays and Saturdays, a huge dance floor, plus the upstairs dance area and tables for taking a breather or practicing your moves out of the crowd.  Most of the diverse crowd of dancers know what they're doing, though eager beginners are welcomed (get there early for the group class).  The bar has good drinks, but the water dispenser near the exit comes in much more handy during a night of dancing!
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