16551 Iowa Avenue
Broadview, MT 59015
Yellowstone County
Phone: (406) 667-2178
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by Helen L. on Am I rating the food or the music venue? Well, FIVE stars for the music venue and of course, FIVE stars for the music (since I pick and pay for the performances I want to see). The venue is small and intimate. I feel so close to the artists no matter where I sit, but I do have my preferred seats. As for the food, eh. Um...in their defense, maybe it's hard to compete with all the real sushi and Japanese restaurants in the area. It is near Japantown. For its price, I'm not impressed. The drinks, not impressed. The service, underpressed! They're not rude or anything, but they're M.I.A. for the most part. I'm talking about the concert area, not the restaurant. I would never go to the restaurant just to eat. I pretty much go for the performances. Anyway, the servers rarely come around. I've learned to work around that though. When ordering drinks, we order two or three drinks in advance...since you don't know when they're gonna come around again.
by Stevie Patin on 5 Stars for the music and the venue. -1 for having to "buy tickets" to get into the second room (which was playing Latin music and I was dying to dance to a good Merengue or Salsa.) I was told that I could get tickets if I spoke to a so-called Tatiana, which, I'm sure she exists but I couldn't find her or get in at all. It was really really annoying. -1 for having to pay $5 for soda water. Honestly, that's pretty fucking ridiculous. It's soda-water for crying outloud. Later in the night I asked the bartender if I could have a glass of water and she passes me a bottle of Fiji water and says "$5" ... Whatever. I'm thirsty. Very unimpressed but thirsty. Fine. -1 for the attitude in the club. I understand that this place is only open for 3 hours a night (Which is FUCKING ABSURD but, whatever.) My friends and I showed up around 1030. There was a line. I asked one of the guys running the line what time they opened and he was like "I don't know" WTF you mean you don't know? You don't know what time the fucking door opens? Are you retarded? How long have you worked here? I asked him. "What do you mean you don't know.. I mean... you work here." And he gave me a nasty-ass attitude talking about "It's not my problem." EXCUSE me, good sir. I haven't said shit about ur mom or given you a nasty attitude so you can save the nastiness for some drunk asshole. Thanks. Like I said, the club itself is great. The staff's attitude, the price of... WATER, and the inaccessibility of the other room is what lost all of the points for me.
by Freeman Dehnert on So I've been here a handful of times and overall it's a pretty nice place. I went to a Donovan party here and it was rockin, but the venue is very small and it gets HOT when you're anywhere near the dj booth, and not in a good way. The tables are really nice, I usually just go on weekdays so you can sit in them if they're not reserved. The drinks are pricey, but the bartender that works the right side of the bar on Wednesdays and Fridays is usually pretty generous. As long as you get on the guestlist ahead of time I've never had an issue having to wait in line, and as far as I know they don't charge cover all that often. All in all, if they added a few fans in the place and a couple drink specials, I would probably come more often.