309 Savannah Highway
Beaufort, SC 29906
Beaufort County
Phone: (843) 522-1110
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jada Crye on
I am writing about the nightclub. i enjoyed this joint-glam and classy decor, spacious bar and sitting areas in the front & upstairs, courteous coat check staff, and good music. Upstairs, where there is a dance floor and patio area where people can sit. Because of the open space, there was plenty of ventilation. No cover for guys or girls.
by Nancey Helaire on
Hiro is my guilty pleasure.  And by guilty, I mean only when completely wasted. Hiro Saturdays are Asian night, if that's what you're into.  I bring in the diversity, and we run around terrorizing the club (dance-circling whipped guys, pretending we know them).  I do feel slightly bad for punking all those Asian boys with their jealous girlfriends but mostly it's just hilarious.  Also, the guys who started the night are pretty cool.  And by cool, I mean I can last minute drunk decide to go there wearing shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops without having to run home and skank it up.  They also like to (superfluously) pour bottles of Goose, Patron & champagne down your throat, or just give you your own so you can run around the club doing the same to everyone else. Hiro Sundays are gay night.  It's everything they say- madhouse, fuckfest, circus.. however you want to describe it.  But if you can't have fun here, then you and/or your friends aren't fun.  Drink up, buttercup! Mostly I love Hiro because it's the kind of place you can run free, you crazy wild child, you (see also: Annex). Tip: Also catch the GBH nights.. it's the indie crowd.
by Eric S. on
This has been my favorite spot in the Boston area for a long time. Good everything.
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