by Melisa Boggus on Royale was everything I expected it to be: one of the "hottest" nightclubs in Boston that is in fact extremely overrated and so disgusting that I had to shower twice before I felt clean again. I went here with about 30 people for a friend's 21st birthday party. Luckily, we had a hook so we had two tables and got to cut the line. Unfortunately for everyone else, you have to pay a $25 cover and wait in a line of over 100 people deep (even though inside was far from crowded). Even the VIP line was about 30 people long! You are in a gross and scary part of town as it is and then you get frisked at the front door for weapons (oh yeah, that makes me feel SOO much safer!). Once inside the truth about this place REALLY came out. Formerly known as The Roxy, I don't think anything has been cleaned, replaced, or repaired since the 80's. I decided to put that all aside and try and enjoy this monumental occasion with my friends and make the best of it. The music was what you would expect - techno, "Jersey Shore" style fist pumping, scantily-clad go-go dancers on stages, top 40 remixes, etc. We had a great time dancing the night away at our table and that was about the only good thing I could point out. Next to follow are my TOP 2 criticisms about this place, and to me these were absolute deal breakers. FAIR WARNING TO BEER DRINKERS: the only beer selection in the entire club is Amstel, Heiniken Light, and Busch Light....yes that's right I said Busch Light - not Bud Light, not Coors Light or Miller Lite - BUSCH LIGHT. You will then be expected to pay $8 for that Busch Light. But don't drink too much of it because then you will have to pee, and this place has THREE STALLS to accommodate probably over 500 women. A trip to the bathroom literally took close to an hour, I am not exaggerating or joking. All in all don't let anyone fool you into thinking that Royale is the "hottest nightclub in Boston." I've been to plenty of other places that have the same kind of music, the same over priced drinks, and the same scantily-clad women that are cleaner, more guest friendly, and much more fun. Walk across the street to Market or jump in a cab to Umbria, you will have a much better time and get more for your money. Consider yourself warned.
by Georgianne Palmucci on Probably one of my best memories of downtown was at Oilcan Harry's. I went here with some girl friends of mine because we had heard from a gay friend of ours how awesome it was. WE had a blast. We danced, we drank and we did get on the platform just to have some fun (even though no one really wants to see straight girls dancing on a platform at a gay bar, haha). The place was crowded but not too stuffed. The patio out back was jammed packed so we stayed inside most of the night. As straight woman, I have to say, it was nice to go someplace where you didn't have to worry about raunchy men hitting on you all the time. The people there are incredibly nice, too, so that helps. Anyway, it's a fun time, take some friends and have a blast!
by Joey H. on I got a great introduction to poetry slams at Nuyorican, thanks to a truly sweet and poetic rateclubser. It was her first poetry slam at Nuyorican as well, so I suggested we each do something new together. I can honestly say that "your mileage may vary" since I was with someone who really enjoys it, thus my experience was great. The setting is very typical of what you would imagine a poetry bar would be. The tall walls are draped with artwork, encompassing a casual seating area that is dominated by this wide and intimidating stage. The bar isn't impressive at all, but I was so glad to see one there. Glancing over, it appears to be beer and wine only. You'll never know how shitty the performances might be, so as long as they're serving, you'll manage. Thankfully, the poets we saw were pretty inspiring and I walked away eager to go home and grow a soul patch. What I enjoyed most is the atmosphere. Everything is moderate to low energy, compared to the venues I normally attend. I can relax with a friend, drink cheap wine and be entertained without having to lose my voice or bruise myself. There is indeed a cover charge, but I believe it's only on nights when they host events. The staff is very cool and exceptionally sarcastic and witty. Don't take it personally! They're just poets and they're just fucking with you. I grew up with similar folk, so I felt right at home. My experience was great, but I'll only be back to when my new friend gets the courage to perform at a slam.