How Joy Restaurant & Lounge
3105 Highway 82 East
Greenville, MS 38703
Washington County
Phone: (662) 335-1920
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Hours: unknown
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by crene w. on
There is no free admission they let two people in every 15 minutes and hold the line .... thus charging 40.00 on the other side where you will be frisked (molested) far more intrusively than the airport. THEN.... I was charged 100.00 over my tab... thank God the bank did not honor it... The AC was near non existent once they finally let everyone in... EPIC FAIL... THIS will nOt BE ON my list of places to go.
by Lucius Mollett on
Fun times! I like Dreamz. The club itself is nice: its really big with high ceilings, at least 4 bars, big dance floor, a stage, etc... Parking is usually free which is a plus nowadays, and its not too far from my house :) Girls can usually get in free before 11pm too. Drinks are the standard $7-10, and smoking is definitely allowed (hmm... "Do I smell weed?"... "Yup, sure do") They also have dancers who dance on the bars (usually in really tight shiny outfits) for any guys who give a damn. Just make sure you know what you're looking for, because Friday night and Saturday nights are VERY different! Friday you get white people, a lot of Russians/Eastern Europeans and Asians. The music is mostly house/techno, which I abhore (sorry :/). Not my thing at all. On Saturday's its hip-hop all night, so you can imagine what the crowd is like (mostly black). I would recommend checking out their website before going so you know who's DJing, etc... before you go. Saturdays are usually my favorite. The music is good, though the crowd is a little strange, it's a mix of college aged kids and some old people (that should probably not be clubbing anymore) and also you get girls who are half naked to guys in blazers... just a variety of people. Last time I went was New Year's eve so it was $50 per person!!! Wayy too much for any place really... but my friend and I managed to get in for $20 each. They also gave us a mini bottle of champagne each at midnight which was cute. We had a good time drinking & dancing but couldn't stay past 2am even though Lil Wayne was on his way... we were just tired by then.
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