Hummers Nite Club
51 Main St
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Middlesex County
Phone: (732) 257-7207
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by b l. on
tuesdays is all you can eat fried chicken here for 20.  go early (no later than 6 because it'll get crowded) as it closes their tuesday deal at 830 - but that's plenty of time to eat, unless everyone stays for awhile. throughout the meal the waiters bring random stuff that's worth trying.  you can't take any of the food home that you didnt get to eat. the only gripe here is that there wasnt a lot of dark meat but rather it was a lot of white meat.  so if you like white meat this is great for you
by Camille Tosco on
We came here on a Saturday night and didn't have to wait in line for too long as the bouncer's probably felt bad we were freezing in the little we were all wearing. **Here's a tip to avoid paying the unattractive $20-$25 cover charge... check out the Webster Hall website to see if you can print out free passes that'll let you in for free before a certain time. Definitely makes it all the more worthwhile!** Once in and paid our $4 for coat check (we definitely wanted to ditch our coats as it was already fairly warm in here), we had a great time going from level to level just checking out the type of people and music on each one. We arrived early... at 11:30 and the place was still relatively empty so our group of 13 girls had room to dance all together. As the rooms quickly filled we split up into smaller groups based on music taste or how much space we wanted. My small group hung around the second floor for a while until we got tired swatting away the creeps or sea urchins (male cougars) trying to grab at us. We headed up to the third floor where the music was a little less Top-40 centered but the room was much cooler (temperature-wise) and there was much more space to move around in. We stayed here for the majority of the evening and ended up making some new friends, somehow managing to catch each other's names over the pounding music. The drinks weren't particularly impressive, there were areas where you could get a mixed rum or vodka drink for $5. The wait for the drink and the drink itself wasn't too impressive. I definitely recommend pregaming this one.
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