3563 Collins Ferry Road
Morgantown, WV 26505
Monongalia County
Phone: (304) 598-5030
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Hours: unknown
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by merve Y. on
this place is awesome. had the time of my life and danced my butt off. when is the next one? june 18th? better yet how do i get on the email list?
by Ellis Dipiano on
I wasn't really sure what to expect at this party. I'd read all the usual about LIV: huge, LED lights on ceiling, Vegasy. However, two of my favorite local nightlife groups PopLife and OverThrow were collabing on their new Dirty Hairy Wednesday night party to be hosted at LIV. I figured this was the perfect chance to head out and scope this place out. I walked into the lobby, headed towards LIV, and stepped right up just as the bouncer was re-linking the velvet rope. Knowing that the PopLife and OverThrow crews don't adhere to any of that stereotypical South Beach velvet rope non-sense; I looked at the guy, looked down at the rope, and then shot Mr. Velvet-rope Tough Guy a look that read "Come On, REALLY??" and voila the rope came down. magic ;-) I walked in and onto the top of the stairs and there before my eyes was a scene out of a movie. I was looking over a sea of partyers. This is such a smart move for an entrance, a grand entrance, as one is provided with a strong image upon first stepping into the club. And it kinda makes you want to skip on down the steps and join the fiesta. Many of the revelers were sporting little animal masks reminiscent of Breakfast at Tiffany's. However, juxtaposed with the loud music and laser lights at this cavernous club made said animal masks all the more charming as it showed no one here was taking themselves too seriously. Instead they were just here to party. Who doesn't love an atmosphere like that? The music was good from the moment I got there and although I would have preferred they play some of the songs a little longer (1:30 or 90 seconds at least) before mashing them up, I along with the large crowd was feeling it. Sounds like the recipe for a great night right? Well there was still some whipped cream, hot fudge, and cherries to come as Kid Sister and Flosstradamus took the stage. She was fantastic and had a great stage presence which paired with a great sense of fashion made for a fun, energetic, and even flirtatious performance. LIV's acoustic weren't the best ever but the space lends itself to having plenty of choice viewing spots. Looks like Wednesdays in Miami just got their weekly party. Now, if only that party came with some sort of drink special. As drinks do adhere to the stereotypical South Beach nonsense prices. Note: There is a public, metered parking lot just north of the Eden Roc, so park over yonder and practice your sashay.
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