Hurricanes of Nashville Inc
166 2nd Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37201
Davidson County
Phone: (615) 256-3363
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Vivian D. on
If you want to pay a hefty $25 for day admission for crowds of screaming toddlers, baby strollers rolling over your foot, and infinite lines for the rainforest and planetarium, then be my guest. I made that mistake when California Academy of Sciences first opened and left within an hour. If you are 21+, I would recommend the nightlife events that happen every Thursday for a mere $10-$12. Tickets for planetarium are first-come first-serve, so you need to rush over there right after work to snag some. It is pretty cool for the first 10 minutes but the 1-1.5 hour show was a bit too long when you're buzzed and sitting in a dark comfy room. Overall nightlife is a cool place to hang out for a few hours with some friends, but nothing changes much. After a few visits I've already seen all there is to see here. Is it just me or has this place shrunk/downsized? Or was it because I was so much smaller when the old CAC was around?
by Dulce Crumb on
You can't really go wrong with the half-price pizzas during happy hour, but I don't think I'd be inclined to pay full price for one. They are decent, but not stellar and the chasm left between the order time and the time you receive a pizza is big enough to fall into. The cowboy theme that pervades the dining room is a little odd for a pizza joint, but I guess I can dig it. John Wayne woulda loved this place! Service was uninspired, but can't really expect jumping jacks and shoulder rubs from hipster pizza slingers.
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