I B P O E Of W Lodge 294
932 3 Av
New Kensington, PA 15068
Westmoreland County
Phone: (724) 339-8540
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
I B P O E Of W Lodge 294 - About Us
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by S M. on
Looking for some good music for your dollar? Look someplace else. This past weekend I took my gf to see Dr. John (New Orleans Jazz) at Yoshis.  Tickets are $35 (add $10/ticket if you want to reserve your seats), plus a $13/ticket convenience fee.  Luckily we found street parking, so we didn't have to pay for that. Dr John came on stage at exactly 8pm. He left the stage at exactly 8:50pm and returned 3minutes later for an encore.  At exactly 9pm, he left the stage. They announced that for another $10, you could watch the 10pm showing.  Which I would guess is the same set list and ends at exactly 11pm. So we're talking almost $50 for 60minutes of music.   If you have a tight schedule to fit and have plenty of money to blow on what amounts to one CD's worth of music, go to Yoshis. Drinks are brutally expensive as well.  A cup of coffee (plain coffee, not espresso/latte) and a jack&coke cost $13. While I have seen Dr John in another city, and the audience does participate.  This audience was as stuffy as a brand new pillow.  The only time people actually moved was when he told them to stand up and dance, and then as soon as the song was over, everyone immediately sat down. It's amazing how you can compare Jazz in SF to jazz in other cities.  In SF at Yoshi's, it's definitely the elitist's music choice. Bottles of champagne, martinis and "old white men" are the norm.  If you could see someone "bobbing their head" then they were the anomaly in the room.  I've seen him in another city and the place was absolutely rocking, he played for 4hrs, I paid $20, and people didn't sit down the entire time. It is a shame that they've cornered the market on Jazz in SF. They need some competition.
by Giovanna Sario on
I went there for a show and stopped in for a quick bite to eat. It was not quick, the manager was extremely rude. They charge you for to-go plates. they are under staffed. I would take the extra time and walk around the corner to somewhere else. But the food was good. But I paid for it because it was really expensive.
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