II STL Brothers Inc
8909 Natural Bridge Road
Saint Louis, MO 63121
Saint Louis County
Phone: (314) 429-1774
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Helena F. on
I tend to not go to these sorts of places but I was meeting up with some people who I knew would make my time spent at gold bar hella fun. So from what I can tell, this place is designed for group hangings. There's no place really for you to mingle with strangers and consists rounded booths for you and your friends to huddle around the bowl of drinks in the center table. The decor was cool but not that impressive and it really didn't give me anything other than good drinks and good seats which usually are at the bottom of my list when I really go out to party.
by Yong Pee on
Did we go on an off day or what? Crowd was petered out by 8pm. Gin and tonic was super weak. Butterfly display closed by 9pm. PG&E's presentation on carbon footprints was uninspiring and dull... they hardly had an audience. Cute single guys? yah right. It was like couples' night. Some of the aquariums looked so sad, these poor sea creatures depressed in their tiny tanks, some of which definitely needed cleaning. Sea nettle jelly fish were cool and the big tanks were impressive. Maybe I'm just jaded with my childhood perception of what Cal Academy used to be. Did they really have to get rid of the earthquake exhibit. The Africa exhibit was also disappointing...why was is so much cooler before? Maybe after living in Africa 2.5 yrs, its just not the same when you've seen those animal live... wandering the plains. The dance floor was.. "interesting" Kinda lame that they check your ID at the door and two seconds later when you give them your ticket they want to see your stamp. Hello, there was no else in line and they saw us get our stamps... for real? If you want science-y things.. the Exploratorium is so much more fun and hands on. They do a night thing too.
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