Illusions of Monroe Night Club
3113 Breard Street
Monroe, LA 71201
Ouachita County
Phone: (318) 322-0094
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Derek M. on
I have been holding off joining rateclubs, but my experience at Bar 210 / PLUSH last Sat. night (7/3/10) put me over the edge to join. I had come up to L.A. from San Diego and was told by numerous people that this is a great "newer" spot to go. Being from out of town and not knowing and promoters or guest list people, my friend and I decided to get there early (10pm), in hopes of getting in before the huge crowd gets there. We were dressed up and looking good (not the douche downtown San Diego look) and when we got there, there was only one other guy in line. He told us that he had been in line for about 10 minutes. There was 6 people who worked there, just standing around doing NOTHING. They didn't even acknowledge us. Come to find out, this guy has come with 4 girls, and they let the 4 girls in, but told him to wait outside (dick move) and when he asked the door guy when he could go in because his girl friends were waiting for him, they door guy kinda laughed and said "Who knows". His girl friends came back out about 5 minutes later trying to get him in, with no luck at all. It is still just him, my friend and I in line and no one else around (except Finally, the guy with "the list" comes up to me and says "do you have a table or whose list are you on?" I said that I had just drove up from San Diego and was told that this is a great spot to go to and that I purposely got here early because I am not on the list, being from San Diego. He said well then you won't get in, you might as well leave. SERIOUSLY, DICK! There was no one around and I was ready to spend some good money that night. So I guess the morale of my story is, unless you have a hook up (and who knows how much that will even help), stay far away from this place. It seems to me that the people who work there don't care about you unless you are on TMZ or willing to spend $5,000 on a table. BTW - we ended up @ Playhouse in Hollywood and had an INSANE night... better than we would have had at Plush I am sure.
by Leonora Rosenberg on
WOW!! I went here per Three M.'s suggestion and she was right.  (Pat self on back Three M.)  I got these things called rats toes (or something to that effect) which were pretty much shrimp wrapped in jalapeno which was then wrapped in bacon.  Then I got a Fish stew and then finished the meal with shrimp and grits.  Amazing food at a great price.  We then got a Key Lime pie with this oreoesque crust.  The Key Lime itself could have been better and more tart, but a good piece of pie nonetheless.  All this for $5!!  I was getting over a cold so I was unable to partake in their great selection of beers. (Mmmmm  Beer...)  I can't wait to go back. Thanks Three M.
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