3551 18th Street
Metairie, LA 70002
Jefferson County
Phone: (504) 779-5757
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by lauren p. on
If I were playing a word association game, and I had to think of the first word that came to my head when I thought of Drais, it would definitely be douchebag.  Maybe I would have liked this club when I was 19 and didn't know any better.  The lines (even being on the guest list I was still annoyed).  The pretense.  The overpriced watered down drinks.  It's just not worth it unless you're into that kind of thing.  The place was crowded with your typical wannabe Hollywood types and you could just feel everyone trying to prove something.  All of the men looked old and slimy and all of the girls looked like they were there using a fake I.D. to get in.  There is very little room to mingle because there are soo many tables that are reserved for bottle service.  I don't even remember seeing a dance floor.  I felt like everyone was crammed together, huddled in the spaces between the tables, even though there weren't even that many people there.  Needless to say, that leads to lots of awkward moments as people try to maneuver by you.  I couldn't even enjoy my drink.  It was so annoying that we had one drink and left to go to someplace that was more relaxing.
by Russell Metcalf on
This is one of my favorite gay bars in the City.  No pretense here - just a lot of people who love to drink.  There is a patio out back, which closes at 10 (I guess the neighbors complained enough).  Music is usally always good with a wide range of genres - but this is NOT a dance club but more of a neighborhood hangout.  Drag shows usually on Fridays - sometimes on Saturdays - with a mix of people including some straights.  Drinks are strong and bartenders are friendly and fast.  Two pool tables.  Drop in.
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