Improv Olympic West
6366 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Los Angeles County
Phone: (323) 962-7560
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: Send us an email
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Hours: unknown
Improv Olympic West - About Us
Improv Olympic West in Los Angeles, California has shows seven days a week, offers a full bar and valet parking. There are at least three different comedy shows a night. IO West also offers the finest improv training in Los Angeles. The longest-running show at the IO West, The Armando Show boasts a cast of the very best improv performers in Los Angeles. The reason you should come see the Armando is cause this show will knock you on your ass. Come check us out!
Website Description and Information
Want more information about Improv Olympic West, in Los Angeles then log onto our website where you can view our calendar to see what shows will be playing, sign up for our mailing list or view our classes, get contact information our purchase your tickets online. Either or just make sure you come check us out!
Staff and Visitor Photos


by David P. on
We had a very good meal. My prime rib was very flavorful and the wine we chose was a great experiment
by Amy L. on
It is officially open for the spring!  If you ever feel like truckin out waaay west, I definitely recommend this place.  Luckily for me, my office is only half a block away! Came here on Friday with some coworkers after work.  They don't have much of a drink selection (Corona, wine, champagne) I had one of each + the old bay garlic fries (yummm).  It's so cute though - especially with the weather getting better in the city.  It's very reminiscent of the Bay while sitting at the top watching the sunset - it was amazing!  The only thing is after a couple of drinks, the boat is still rocking so I got a liiiittle bit seasick...
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Improv Olympic West does not provide a drink menu on our website.


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