Inner Circle
464 North Nassau Street
Charleston, SC 29403
Charleston County
Phone: (843) 577-2027
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Andre L. on
Pizza, great club nights, nice staff and the best sound in a small club in SF.  We moved our Fiction party to its new home here and have been completely happy since.  It's definitely my favorite place to go out.
by Mollie Raynolds on
Overpriced drinks, generally rude staff, although the door guys have been exceedingly good-natured when I have been there, and the roof deck is no big deal.  I have one at home.  Come over for a drink some time. I have watched a bartender spill drinks and refuse to believe that the customer didn't do it, and only after the five surrounding customers supported her, would he pour the drinks again.   It may just be an example of the ability and attitude of the bar staff, but I think it is exemplary of the people working there. The rooftop creates a strange dynamic wherein people seem unable to mingle beyond the group they arrived with, and so it doesn't really create a very social atmosphere.  You might think that would make it a good place to bring a close-knit group, but really, you will just end up standing in a cramped cluster, and so you might as well just stay home. I have never been impressed by the music or the crowd, and don't expect to go back.
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