Irish Isle
7843 Main Street
Middletown, VA 22645
Frederick County
Phone: (540) 868-9877
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Hours: unknown
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by ruiqiu k. on
Before our party arrived, we knew we were going to be spending about $100 per person, given the 20% service charge and 4%+ health charge that their website warns you about. We also went with the expectation that we were paying for a show, and not for the food. I was wrong about the food. It is pricy, but very good fusion Asian. We had the platinum menu (about 10 courses served family-style). In deference to my vegetarian friends, I did not partake of some of the dishes (the porcupine, the salmon, and the bok choy). I did love the baby-back ribs. If I liked lamb more, I would have loved it; still getting used to the taste. I liked that they offered ube ice cream -- ube is a purple yam that Filipinos make all sorts of purple-colored desserts out of. They also had coconut and other flavored ice creams. In addition to the ice cream, they also had banana beignets (think deep-fried bananas in a won-ton-like wrapper). Those were good, especially with the choice of butterscotch or chocolate sauces. Can't say much for the wine list, but friends had several of them each. I did try one of their signature drinks -- Trina's Pussycat. The fact that a usually teetotaler like me can drink it means it must be watered down. I even had one of their shots of something later on and that was weak. Delicious, but weak. I forgot to warn my friends that because of our party's occasion, we would be charged for them when they unexpectedly showed up at our table. The performances were fantastic. The illusionists were lip-synching to raunchy music in cute outfits while strutting along the entire length of the bar. All the women raved about how great these perfomers looked. The fellow rateclubsers who said these women had perfect makeup on were correct. The men at our table received (or gave?) "Blowjobs" -- when the performer places a shot glass between her legs and encourages the guest to take the glass from her, bend your head back, and take in the shot all at once. There were about 2 sets of performances, each with 3 performers during a number (approximately 20 minutes' worth total with 6 performers, spaced out during our time there). The dance club downstairs was small and warm. Luckily, they have a couple of fans going. In between being able to dance to music videos, there would be a performance of a dancer giving a lap dance of sorts to a guest led to a chair. The guest is usually the bride-to-be or a birthday gal. Free coat check (but do remember to tip them) in the dance club area. The bar is also located in this downstairs area. The bathrooms are tiny and cramped. The ones downstairs has one for women only (with 2 stalls) and another for both men and women. I did not go into that one, so I can't say how many stalls there were. I believe there is another set of bathrooms upstairs on the main dining room floor. The place was packed when we were there on a Saturday night. Many, many bachelorette parties going on. The staff was just so friendly and accommodating. Definitely a place to experience in San Francisco. Yes, it's pricy, but if you go in thinking you're paying for entertainment, it is really no different than some concerts or plays. It is a place to *splurge*. I highly suggest that you do *not* bring any of your friends who like to complain about prices or who don't believe in tipping. You'll never hear the end of it, and they would probably embarrass you when they try to argue the bill later. Luckily, that did not happen in my case last night.
by Ian Comtois on
I'll fully admit that I don't go out to clubs now that I'm a card carrying senior citizen, however, this is a very cool spot. Came here with a few friends on a Friday evening and the place was busy but not overly crowded.  The space is really neat looking, very hip and lofty looking.  Look at the pics on the club's website and you'll get an idea, but they have a tri-level setup with the bar being on the bottom floor, a lounge area on the second floor and the dance floor being at the very top.  The DJ was also spinning some decent beats. Everyone working here , from security to bartenders, seemed really friendly and chill (well, I was with Halo royalty, Kit F) and the 3 drinks I sampled were definitely on point. I often struggle to take out-of-towner visiting friends out to clubs when they ask, but Halo will definitely be the destination of choice.
by Rickie Milburn on
I had a lot of fun here with my friends a couple of weeks ago. We went before  8:30 so there wasn't a cover charge, which was good since the drinks are pretty expensive (what do you expect for a ritzy union square lounge I guess). This is definitely a very classy place with awesome views. I'd recommend this place for a night on the town!
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