Izzys Sports Bar
150 Andrews Road
Fayetteville, NC 28311
Cumberland County
Phone: (910) 488-6664
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Marvis Gelles on
It's hard to believe this place just opened and it's already over. Alice in Wonderland inspire decor was lackluster but the bartenders and staff are extra nice. Drinks are average for the area ($12 -$15) but the people pouring can actually do a decent mix. Hit it up if you're in the area I guess, but don't expect to feel like you've fallen down the rabbit hole.
by Julianna Tieng on
I had a blast at East Andrews, but I was there for their 4th of July beach party.  Certainly, one should check out the other reviews before deciding to hit it up on a regular night. The crowd is young and exciting, but I can see how one may see them as a bit pretentious.  Prices for drinks/food aren't too bad, but I certainly wouldn't rave about their value. One cool aspect is that they have a photographer who will take photos of you that you can go snag on Facebook, so you can have some free memories from the night (or perhaps you don't like the idea of potentially unflattering pics of you being posted online). All in all, I had a great time, but that was mainly due to the special event atmosphere with a great band.  You may want to be a bit more discerning on a random Friday.
by Jason C. on
Definitely a good place to grab a pint.  Live music, mellow vibe, and an outdoor area.
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