by Sarah K. on
I had a good time here because of the company but it was sooo crowded that night! We had a table so it didn't take us long to get in. The crowd is somewhat questionable and kind of douchey. Watch out for some of the guys, they like to grab so def. have a drink handy to throw.
by Chadwick M. on
I have mixed feelings about this vintage basement venue. I love the antique decor, the textures, the old furniture (think estate sale old, not frat house old), and the somewhat catacomb-like floor plan. The bartenders and staff are always nice and efficient. There are enough beers on tap to leave anyone with a couple choices. Then, they are added bonuses: a pool table, a second bar up front for sold out shows, places to sit both near the stage and far from it, and supposedly it's haunted. But let's be honest. This is, first and foremost, a venue for seeing live music. If a show is at half cap (that's capacity for anyone born in yesterday's barn), Cafe Du Nord is a great, intimate venue. It's when a show is sold out that there are problems. Substantial problems. Low basement ceilings ensure a muggy atmosphere. The stage is low, so unless you're 6' from it, or 7' tall, you can't see much. Most importantly, the stage is only visible (and the sound is only "good") in the back catacomb, which is probably only 40% of the floor plan. ...not great for the people trapped in the back 60% of the place. Physically, it's a 5 star spot. Functionally, it's a 2... Let's round up on this one.
by Whitney Humpal on
i love the picture of the bartender with the skanky wet hand pouring drinks, makes me want to order a double , so i can forget how unclean that dirtbag is.