J T'S Lounge
1403 Elvis Presley Boulevard
Memphis, TN 38106
Shelby County
Phone: (901) 775-2244
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Hours: unknown
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by Ezequiel Moglia on
I really wanted to have a great experience here. The place itself is just gorgeous. A cabaret, seemingly out of the 40s or 50s. Lots of lovely ladies in red lipstick and vintage dresses with flowers in their hair, accompanied by mustachioed men in tight pants. Perhaps this was one reason we didn't feel very comfortable, being service-industry workers and not looking as polished as those around us. We just weren't comfortable there, period. The bar stools were high and we are short, and there was an awkward art-deco piece in the center of the bar that didn't allow us any place to put our feet, so we felt like children with our legs dangling in place. We looked at a menu and waited..and waited. It seemed that other people at the bar were being helped by waitresses or counter staff, but no one ever came to take our order. We had to interrupt the bartenders to get our drinks and put a food order in. We later had to interrupt the bartenders to pay our tabs, with no one having brought us a check. We felt pretty invisible. The drink was great, although a bit pricey at $9. We split the $12 cheese plate, which had very small servings of three different cheeses on it, and came with barely enough baguette for two people to actually eat with the cheese. Definitely not worth the $12 price tag. Had the service been better, we probably would have had a more enjoyable experience and wouldn't have balked as much at the prices. But high prices + being ignored by the hipster staff felt pretty crappy, and I'm not up for a second dose of that anytime soon.
by Matthew C. on
East Andrews Cafe is an awesome place to meet hot 20something Atlanta women on the weekend.  That's pretty much it.  There really is no other reason to go there.  The waitstaff is friendly, especially if you tip well, are nice, and they know you.  Unfortunately, there are so many d-bag guys and pretentiously drunk girls pissed the bartenders off, it makes for a weird atmosphere.  However, the drinks are strong, which makes the afforementioned hot 20something Atlanta women that much more entertaining. Hang out at the bar or on the patio - the live band is serviciable but not much better than that. I've not been there during the day, but I hear good things about the menu.
by Alejandro Takeda on
Walking into this place is truly spectacular. Both rooms are beautifully  designed and show great attention to detail. I came with a promoter, which is the only way I would recommend going to this club. Unless of course you are a millionaire (or billionaire would work too) and don't mind shelling out 55k for a bottle of champagne (that's right, you heard me, 55k!). This way, you don't wait in line, and you can escape the crowd a little bit. Even though I drank for free the whole night, I have to say the experience didn't live up to the hype. First of all, they let WAY too many peope in this place. I know there are a lot of people who want to get in, but they should keep their standards high and keep the door tight. I walked through the upstairs room and got my toes stepped on, I stepped on a few other peoples' toes, got a drink spilled on me, I spilled my drink on someone else, etc. Second, the bathroom is WAY too small for the amount of people in there! While it's very beautiful it's too cramped. And they have a mirror in the stalls! As if women didn't stay in there long enough already... Third, the music selection was really horrible. The DJ didn't know how to mix songs and played a boring set list sticking with safe choices and not mixing up genres enough. All in all I had a good night, but will probably only be coming back if someone wants to treat me to that 55k champagne!
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