Jack's Place
507 Cooper St
Jackson, MI 49201
Jackson County
Phone: (517) 796-1014
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jesse R. on
After a dinner earlier this week with two friends, I am convinced that Morimoto is still a fantastic restaurant. I enjoyed the $50 Chef's Combo of sushi and sashimi which included two different rolls and about 20 different pieces of fish, including two pieces of Toro and some other rarer selections.  My friends enjoyed the omakase ($120) which looked fantastic, and included several dishes, such as slow cooked pork ribs and a grilled half lobster, that are not even listed on the menu, and also the Surf and Turf (kobe beef and tuna).  As many other rateclubsers can attest to, the pot de creme dessert is to die for - something you shouldn't miss if you plan on saving room for desert. Reservations are strongly recommended, and although I listed this as "dressy," you can easily get by in nice jeans and a sweater or dress shirt without any dirty looks.
by Dana K. on
I've always had a good time here. Thrusdays get way too crowded here, I distinctly remember the smell of armpit, and actually an armpit next to my head. But, the music is good, and you can usually find something you'd like to listen to between the two rooms.
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