Jaker's Bandara Grill
208 Bob White Ct
Boise, ID 83706
Ada County
Phone: (208) 343-3430
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Maura Curran on
I've seen so many great bands and artists at this lovely venue. Sound is really good, the atmosphere is very intimate, even if you're upstairs. Bathrooms are squeaky clean. Staff for the most part is nice, except they don't allow video-recording. What's the big deal? I can understand if the artists don't want it, but most of the time and most of the ones I've paid to see, don't give a shit. Also, this venue is located in the one of the crappiest and scariest parts of SF. Be safe!
by Annie T. on
This place is insane. It reminds me a lot of what Rice to Riches in NYC seems to represent - trendy, something new, a spark that lights a fire in the underground food culture big enough to generate a loyal following and consistent enough to keep the new patrons flowing in. I ordered the special, which was a Cuban (or a burger take on the cuban - still good, but I would have preferred a Cuban sandwich. This special I think suffered from an expectation based on the original that it unfortunately could never meet due to the fact that this Cuban was being delivered in burger form as opposed to sandwich form. The right name is so important.) We also had the fried okra and the zucchini fries. OH MY holy ____. Fried Okra is incredible. I could just order that and that alone. Nutella and burnt marshmallow shake - very very very tasty. very very very rich. Not a diet drink (obviously). I couldn't finish anywhere near all of it. They seemed to want to turn the tables faster than we were ready, so that would be my only feedback. Why not step back and let us enjoy our savory grilled and fried goodness along with your fancy fully stocked bar?
by Renae Skillom on
I always leave here happy.  A dependable burger.  Nice solid stiff drinks, no over pouring or anything like that, just solid reliable consistency.  The salads are large and very healthy.  You can get a side salad with your burger which I like, and some establishments have an issue with making changes, but not here, they insist.
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