Java on High
649 High Street
Burlington, NJ 08016
Burlington County
Phone: (609) 386-0070
Fax: (609) 386-1038
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Hours: unknown
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by Rachael N. on
This place is huge! You walk in..and first its a restaurant/lounge..then you go upstairs..and there's an outdoor patio and a dance floor. The place has it all! This is definitely an Asian place. Asians...everywhere. haha. We met up with some mutual friends and just chatted and danced the night away. It's a cool place to meet people and also, the music is pretty good (not super great, but pretty good beats). I thought the drinks were kind of small? But whatever, the Park is just a cool place to go at night. And yes, I ran into yet another umich alum there. I think umich alum seem to be all over NYC. I did however, like the spacious environment. I get kind of sick of being cramped and running into people, so having a large space around me as I walked around or danced was quite pleasant. I barely got sweaty too. haha. I would go back, for sure!
by Tyree Lingle on
My conversation through my stay in there consisted of "what"? "wow. i can't hear anything" and then shoving my head forward to hear a person's conversation. The art is alright, but there's too much noise to do any kind of conversation. The music doesn't help either.
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