6045 Bluff Road
Hopkins, SC 29061
Richland County
Phone: (803) 783-8561
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by shira h. on
I'm sure this place is super cool, really I am. However, I looked this place up online and trudged all the way out there from Queens to check out a show. I walked in and they were finishing up another show, and the guy at the door barked at me, "what do you want?!" I said I was there to see the show (I forget what time it was at), and I knew I was a little early. He said, "Yes, you are early you'll need to leave and come back later." I said, but I'm only 30 minutes early, could I catch the tail end of this show, pay for my show and stay until it's cold outside (and I was by myself). He said, "No, come back later." And out I went in the cold, never to come back again....
by Glenn Boeve on
This place is SO much fun! Britney Spears' music video, Circus, represents The Box perfectly. Every turn entertains ones' senses with fun music, interesting shows, and well-made drinks. But beware, the entry to this club is narrow.  If you can get past, enjoy one of New York's best shows!
by Paul Marchionni on
I love the Third Floor Cafe. Esp. nights though when its not too crowded.  They have a good deal for $40 you get a pitcher of flavoured soju and any anju on their menu.  Its quite filling.  THeir watermelon soju is pretty good.  Sharing it with one other person , gives me a small buzz .  Its a good mix.  I love the design of the place. It just has a really relaxing enviroment to get some drinks and just relax the weekend away.  Even if sometimes there is loud techno music in the background.  The bouncers are very nice too...the three times that I have been in there.. :]
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