by Ashanti Vanhandel on
I know this is going to sound lame, but if this place was easier to get to I'd buy all my music here. I loved Ear Wax when it resided in the old spot before Vision Nightclub arrived. Now it is in the transportation nightmare that is the entry way to both the North and South passages of 75/85. However, I say, find the nooks and crannies of time to creep over there when traffic won't be an issue. You'll find the latest hip hop, underground, remixes, R&B and old school music there is. They also still sell albums and if you can't find it in a mainstream store you will find it here. The store has been around almost 15 years and filled a void in the early 90s of places where true hip hop lovers could find an extremely extensive collection of CDs, tapes and vinyl. It's a good look and I have mad love for Ear Wax, even at 5 PM in the middle of rush hour traffic