by Kenny Neddenriep on I recently joined a softball team with friends for the first time in AGES. Growing up summer softball was the thing in my home town, I loved softball and played every year. However, I was an awkward girl, I had no confidence, wasn't considered "cool," and wore bi-focals. My softball career focused more on the free ice cream after the game. Fast forward to 2009... I ooze confidence, consider myself cool (who cares what other people think), and now wear contacts. And I quote from one of our games "I'm a fuckin athlete!" The best thing about "grown up" sports is the BOOZING. I have never been so athletic with such a high blood alcohol content in my life, and let me tell you, its the new steroid! And where do you get your roids after the game? Final Final... watch out for the Tuesday night softball crew. There is plenty of space for us to destroy with excess amounts of pitchers and pizzas.. and even cakes (If it's someones birthday) Darts, Pool, and popcorn also a plus! Just don't ask the bartender for a buttery nipple
by Chung Olausen on The club was fun because it's all about the company you go with. The drinks weren't that pricey considering it's an NYC club. Be aware thought- the bartender tried to charge me $20 for a shot because he thought I was drunk. That was definitely not cool!. The DJ played the same set of music THREE times!! Are you kidding me???? What the hell kind of DJ does that???? And he does that all the time! I got in for free because we were celebrating a friend's birthday, so I tolerated the same set of playing repeating. It wasn't crowded at all, which I loved!.. .I'm not a big believer in paying to get into clubs, so I definitely wouldn't pay to go here especially since the DJ repeats his set.
by Paul H. on Went to see Scooter there 8/15. The bouncers at Webster Hall were friendly and courteous, at least to us lol. Drinks were way overpriced, I mean I know it's NYC, but come on, $10 for a cuba libre thats mostly ICE? We had to settle for $7.50 Budweisers. The bartenders were gorgeous though. My biggest complaint: For some reason they didn't let you go out the way you came in, they herded everyone through this SMALL passage that was already crowded with people coming in from having to go outside and smoke. You can't smoke inside the club. I know that's NYC law, and it's probably the dumbest law I've ever heard of. I can understand restaurants and other public places banning smoking, but a NIGHTCLUB/BAR? If they tried to pull that down in Miami, there would be RIOTS in South Beach. So they have this line to go outside and smoke and have them corralled in a little space in front of the club. Upon re-entry they have to search you, ALL OF THIS IN THE SAME SMALL SPACE THEY WANT PEOPLE TO LEAVE IN. FDNY fire marshall would have a FIELD day there. WE COULDN'T GET OUT. After 5 minutes of negotiating with the poor bouncer (I felt bad for her, its not her fault, it's the stupid ass NYC/club rules) we finally got out. To all the people complaining about the smokers: If you don't like it, don't go to a club. Aside from that, the ambiance is cool, old style. The sound system was good, and the AC was working!