Joyce Lounge
1414 Dillingham Boulevard Suite 205
Honolulu, HI 96817
Honolulu County
Phone: (808) 841-6218
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Matherine G. on
If we lived here, this would probably be a weekly hang out spot. Great views, reasonable (for nyc) prices, great atmosphere. Plenty of seating. Good service.
by Norene Lejune on
This place just are so expensive & you just pay to go in there like sheep to get jostled & bumped into..u'll love it if you like to get high off of E though...
by Merrie Carrelli on
I've never been here for the food, but have been to the bar a few times and to the dance club last weekend. Scorpion bowls have figured prominently into all my past trips here - I don't think the scorpion bowls are particularly alcoholic, although they certainly are novel. I always have a good time enjoying them with a few friends and savoring the fruit juicy goodness. Or blowing through them as quickly as possible while racing a group of strangers -- the best part of scorpion bowl races is that everyone wins! Well, that and terrible brain freeze. I'm not sure if there's a any pattern in when I've gotten unbelievably sweet plastic animals with the bowls, but I will say I am much happier with my $15 expenditure when I do. The dance floor opened at 11 on Saturday, and was pretty empty for a little while but picked up. Music and lighting was nothing too remarkable, but there's no cover or pretentiousness - so not a bad deal overall. I have a sneaking suspicion that it would seem fairly mediocre sober but it was a fun time after a number of drinks.
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