by Jillian P. on I grew up at the end up. A little New England girl at 20 who'd never seen a tranny before in my life. I lived for ending up at the end up. I even got kicked out a few times!!!! I vowed that after I was 40 to just shoot me if you caught me there. Now I'm 46 and still feel at home, welcome and most of all young and alive. Some people don't get the EndUp. It's kind of like me not getting the right the EndUp my lovelies!!!!!!
by Diane Strauhal on This is the ILLEST spot on a Saturday Night! Always packed! always Crackin'! DJ Puffs & AntVala know how to get it done! They're always killin it!!! I Highly recommend it if u dig some good ole' Hip Hop! **However, if you're expecting some whack mainstream shit, don't go! lol