Kathy's Some Place Else
4750 USHighway 50 East
Carson City, NV 89701
Carson City County
Phone: (775) 882-6565
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Denver Schiffelbein on
being an IPB been here a couple of times and no review shame on me,the first time i came here was for a farewell :) the place is nice i like the couches and drinks of course the decor is also on the chick side ... what i didn't like was the dance floor connected to the entrance and bunch of people walking by bummer :S i would definitely come a lil dressed up if i were you,there's some hot looking girls :) and you don't wanna look under dressed for that fo sho. ipb
by Hans Coccoli on
Went here for an after-party. It's pretty hidden, but you must go here. The atmosphere is amazing. Love the decor. It's funky, crazy and charming really. Go with a group, have drinks & it'll be a good night.
by Laurel B. on
Went here for a private party (so I guess one can rent it).  It's funny how venues of a certain era (every era) in SF have a certain look:  the Fillmore, old movie theaters . . . .  It's an ornate throwback look (and I guess it's when they were built).  If you blur your eyes, you can almost see Gatsby (or maybe Sinatra) swells, drinking sidecars or champagne, lit more flatteringly by candle light, dressed a whole lot better.  But that was then, and this is now.  Now it's a fairly intimate venue (considering it's a hall), about the right size to hear a band.  I've been here before to concerts that were just a click short of main stream status (so not big enough to fill a bigger venue).  Since I like smaller venues, it's about perfect for an indoor venue (though I'm still pretty fond of Slims for something even a little less mainstream).
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