by Jacob H. on I think this place deserves a 4 star. Pros No cover Cheap Drinks Free Pool and games Dance Floor Friendly Waitress Smoking patio area Lots of people Cons Everyone looks 21.
by Robbie Duenas on Two Sardines and a Yelling Match at Icon Sardine 1: (Drunk) "HEY! IT'SSS GOOD TO SEE YOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! NEVER SEE YOU OUT ANYMORE!" Sardine 2: (Sober) "WE WERE AT ROHAN AND MIGHTY! I JUST GOT HERE -- THE LINE TO GET IN WAS RIDICULOUS!" Sardine 1: "LINE DANCING! SINCE WHEN DOES ROE PLAY COUNTRY MUSIC! HEY! WHERE'S YER DRINK! YOU GOTTA KETCHUP TO US!" Sardine 2: "DUCKS IN A ROW? I'LL DRINK JUST AS SOON AS I GET A CHANCE TO PEE. YOU KNOW, INPUT, OUTPUT." Sardine 1: "WEAK! YOU CAN'T DRINK TEA! ONE SHOT!" Sardine 2: "WHAT! FORGET IT. SO NO MORE LUNA HUH? HOW'S THIS AN 'ULTRA' LOUNGE!" Sardine 1: "NO, BUT I GOTTA LIGHTER! HEY! WHERE'S YOUR DRINK!!" Sardine 2: "YOU'RE CRAZY! YOU DON'T NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!" Uh, Icon Ultra Lounge (previously Luna) could be a good time, but do not attempt to: a) have a conversation, b) use the ladies room, or c) walk from point A to point B. In fact, I'd recommend picking up telepathy and attaching yourself to a catheter before popping in because: a) it's super loud and unless your lips are velcroed to your neighbor's ear, you can pretty much forget about dialogue, b) my bladder just about ruptured waiting in line for the women's stall, which crawls at a rate of half an inch for every 10th time you overhear, "WHAT!" and c) it is gills to gills sardined -- adequate personal space to communicate via ASL would be a luxury. *Above material evidence gathered from the Grand Opening Party.