Kings Inn
635 State Road
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Bristol County
Phone: (508) 999-9962
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Laura A. on
Sometimes you go out with friends; sometimes with your friend; sometimes to maybe meet that "your" friend; sometimes to try a new place and rateclubs it (is that my main reason now??).... you use to dress up a little, a little bit more or "to impress"... BUT... sometimes you go out looking for your music, because you need it, you just want to feel it all around you.. right? if its hip hop / R&B.... go to bOb. No matter how you dress, no matter when.. is just one of the  "Best I Ever Had" ..It's like if I was DJ-eing there. Did they stole my i-Pod? The drinks are quite cheap and not bad. Enough to keep your hydration level. so Yeah, I know;  I'm not rating as 5 and it's because the attitude of some pple there. And this is also part of bOb. Some of them think you are the prettiest... "you know he wants you" that's the feeling. And I told you, tonight I'm dating the music. And its crowded; the place is small, so it doesn't help. But at the end I can deal with the "minus star " issues and I'll keep coming back .. I'm maybe "Obsessed", but bOb is my music
by Dusti Maccarter on
great spot for Thursday nights! I give it minus one star for the parking :( Drinks are OK priced just be aware that there is a 7-11 across the street if you want to get a head start!
by Dee Brownwood on
Sometimes people want to dance to good house music. Sometimes that's hard to find, especially in the 617. Thank your lucky stars that Rise still stands tall. _C$
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