by Patrick C. on I am not a club person by any means so I was skeptical when I left to hit up the Boom Boom Room for my company Holiday Party. But my oh my was I blown away. This is definitely the classiest place I've ever gone to for a drink. The views of Manhattan atop the Standard Hotel are jaw dropping. The drinks were fantastic but I'm also sure quite expensive (thank god for open bar). Perfect as a night starter if you're looking to impress on a first or second date.
by Brendan Roofe on Waaaay back, this was The Palace......way back. I saw so many great shows here. Spent so many nights dancing to the best music. It was the first place that I ever saw one of those "perfume ladies" in the bathroom handing out towels, deodorant and cigarettes for a small fee. I was 18....I was single....I was cute.....and I was free from my parents! The Palace will always hold a special place in my heart!