Ladies En Confidente All Nude Denver
5921 North Broadway
Denver, CO 80216
CO County
Phone: 303-292-0302
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: Send us an email
Hours: Open 24/7
Ladies En Confidente All Nude Denver - About Us
Denver premier all nude gentlemen's/strip club. Open 24/7/365. Featuring Denver's hottest entertainers in a VIP setting.
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by Ria J. on
We waited an extra 90mins for our table. We had 9:30 reservations and got seated at 10:45 - which ruined the remaining night's plans thanks to the obnoxious host, Eric. A reservation means nothing at this place - overcrowded and not worth it Go to Buddakhan !!!
by Standing Bull on
When out of town, alone, I always like to visit strip clubs. I stumbled upon this place last year, Ladies En Confidente. Ladies En Confindete is an all nude club near I-25 and I-70 in the heart of Denver. I did a 2 girl show with Brea and Stephanie, wow. Part of me wishes that the strip club atmosphere was everywhere I go where women are topless and in g strings when I die maybe this will be my heaven.
by Tee D. on
Things I'm scared of in real life: shiny people, fusion food, and giant doors. So needless to say, I was a nervous wreck walking into Gloria's. There was shine everywhere. And fusion food. And massive doors. We walked in around 8 PM and were told that there would be a 50 minute wait. We took our buzzer and walked over to Borders; about 25 minutes later, our buzzer went off. Lucky for us, we got to sit next to a shifty couple: an older gentleman and young, very young woman. On the other side of us were five empty tables. Really? Was there really a 50 minute wait? Anyway, I ordered the tilapia and the guy had the big ass chicken burrito. The tilapia was too oily, but the flavors were fine, and it wasn't overcooked. The big ass burrito was really just a regular sized burrito, which ended up being just fine because it was not super tasty. Gloria's is a good fit for the Domain: mediocre, overpriced food served with a side of shine, but it's not the right fit for me.
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