Lafayette Inn
1524 Conowingo Road
Rising Sun, MD 21911
Cecil County
Phone: (410) 658-9249
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Hours: unknown
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by Lauren Mooberry on
Yeah, I know. Halloween was like..ages ago., but that's when I came and I'm playing review catch up. The venue was all themed out, but I do like the hamptons feel that several people likened it to. Bartenders were nice, nice mixed crowd, and yes, like most hot spots, crowded. I'd definitely come back again on a regular night. The gift shop near the restrooms was unexpected. My friend has the primo table directly in front of the DJ booth. Awesome. I can see how a-list spots such as this can pose a problem for those who are not familiar with the rock star protocol for a positive nightlife experience. Since I'm all about helping out..I'd like to take this opportunity to offer a few tips: YES, IT MATTERS WHO YOU KNOW: Absolutely, if you don't know anyone at the door or aren't on a decent promoter guest list, you are probably going to be waiting out there amongst the masses for a good long while. That would suck. I'd hate it, too. Your best chances are to come early, as in 10:30 p.m. early to decrease your wait time. BE COURTEOUS & RESPECTFUL TO THE DOOR: The doormen have to deal with bitches, assholes, drunks, & higher than thou personalities all night long. The least you can do is show them some courtesy, be respectful, a little patient, treat  them like human beings and don't act like you're the only person trying to tell him whose guest list you're on. Easy peasy. RATIO: Girls in packs of 2-3 are far more manageable than hoards of 10+ if you're looking to skip the line or not wait. A plus if all the girls are hot. Not one, not two, but all. This is your most optimal option. If you have guys with you, you should have more girls than guys. Guys will usually still have to pay cover, and if they want to avoid any hassle they probably should have already reserved a table for bottle service. Sure, it's unfair, but that's just the way of the world. If your ratio is 50:50, it becomes a little more troublesome, esp. on a busy or special event night. If you're all guarantees unless you've already got a table. Even then, I think you have to do some amount of waiting unless you're a VIP or have dropped buckets of cash down. YES, APPEARANCES MATTER: As superficial as it may be, that's just the reality of the situation. You have to make the effort to come correct. Dress to impress.  A-list spots are expected to deliver and this is one way they do ensuring they have a good looking crowd. Not to say that everyone in there is hot..but when they have the option to pick and choose, this is usually the way it's done. It also determines the amount of time you do or don't wait. And even if you have a girlfriend who has ties with a well-connected promoter..know that he will care and ask you about how the friends you'd like to bring with you look like. And don't get caught lying. Don't act like your promoter doesn't have eyes. Shoot. It's a business, and they have a reputation to uphold. I am one of the most down-to-earth girls you will meet, but I understand and get this. You gotta play by the rules! FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS: Unless you're fucking royalty, a celebrity or other VIP, if a promoter tells you that you have to be there by a certain time, etc. then make every effort to follow instructions. I'll admit, I'm guilty of coming a tad late at times, but if I am and we end up having some trouble at the door, I know it's my bad. DON'T BE A PEST: No need to text, BBM, call, email your promoter a million times. Be frank, be succinct. Don't tell him that you're painting your nails or running late because you are still eating dinner, etc. He is busy managing a list of hundreds of other clients/guests to be bothered with your rants. Let him know when you get there, and wait. If you blow his shit up until he is able to get to you, he will probably delete you from his contact list and/or be so annoyed he ignores you altogether. Treat him as a professional, this is his job, after all. This concludes nightlife 101. Hopefully it helps the uninitiated to have a better time out on the town. And when you get in, let's have a toast! Cheers.
by Keven Sinclair on
Here is the latest phallic incarnation of Austin's giant cock, this time gussied up as French inspired gastro more in the style of a Brigitte Bardot rather than a Julien Grix. Whatever. At least its not another Jane Birkin. First, I will say that this place is structurally and conceptually kick-fucking-ass. Its great. Believe that. If you, loyal waffle, have dug beyond the shock of the initial two star din that permeates the blackness of a lackluster showing, then you should note that bit of information above -- as it bears repeating. The East Side Show Room is badass. And I certainly appreciate what they are trying to accomplish: A brilliantly hatched thought-bubble of clever dishes, like lamb & goat burgers, curry grits & greens, and similar edibles equally crafty. Their oft-rotating selections of specialty plates -- Tomato Bisque, Boar Chops (which is like, holy shit, am I reading that correctly, am I?), and always feature a well-invented specialty dessert. Moreover, if one can consider Show Room's food menu as their display of affection, then their tribute to the cocktail can be considered a ceremony of their aphrodesia. Cytherian in form, these classic cocktails are delivered not from the meager hands of bartenders, but from the massive minds of mixologists; promoting a true experience in hand-crafted archaic (but not dusty) drinks. And who, but to deliver these kernels of art from the Show Room's devoted interiors -- past the visceral embroideries and well-planned and engaging wall-hangings -- and out onto its facade, representing the very face of the business itself? Idiots. Well, to be fair, only one crackbrain in particular, who will not be exposed in this, or any, review; but one who can take a five-star business and wrestle it down to a measly two. I'm nobody important in the food or drink world. But if I had been, holy smokes, let me tell you that just a single negative experience at Show Room has them batting .500, which admittedly sounds fantastic for a slugger, but not so much for a restaurant who promotes class as their product. Just shitty. Now, I fully expect to return. Its too great not to. But if the cocktails take 35 minutes to deliver to my table with nary a consideration for my patience, come out completely wrong, then dipped in a lie about how, no you didn't forget our order, but blame the mixologist who "has to crush every cocktails innards by hand", then maybe its time to re-establish your plan of action. So, yes, I paid my $9 for a sloppy, confused, 35-minute constructed cocktail that failed to even arouse the spirit. So, we headed to The Good Knight to recover. I expect to not have to repeat this in the future. [Edit to update from 10/01/09 & 11/28/09] Turns out that ESSR is not badass. Fuck this place and their "step outside and wait, infidels!" policy.
by Ken C. on
This place was terrible. I didn't like the food at all. It was obviously that the vegetable came from the frozen section. I had diarrhea the next day.
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