Lake George Sportman's Club
427 North Loomis Street
Southwick, MA 01077
Hampden County
Phone: (413) 569-9010
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Lake George Sportman's Club - About Us
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by Stanley Padarebones on
It's small and does the job. The bartenders are good looking the crowd is hit or miss, so just look left and you're bound to see something you like. The music was good but the space isn't large enough to get rowdy in that  I prefer. Does this sound like a bad review, no? Just didn't stick out to me...that's all. was all good - just nothing unexpected.
by Jessica B. on
I went there for dinner and a show on friday night with a group of people. The food was very good although waay overpriced for a standard piece of salmon with no outstanding extras. The show - I loved!!! However, I can only speak of one show and don't know how others compare. I would definitely go back, but the next time I would sit in the smaller tables in front and just have drinks and maybe an appetizer instead of a whole meal. I went with a group but I think it would be great as a date too!
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