Lamar Tavern
1037 Gulf Street
Lamar, MO 64759
Barton County
Phone: (417) 682-2041
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Harima S. on
And to think, me and some of my girls used to frequent this place when I first moved here 4 years ago.  This review is on the restaurant, not the lounge upstairs. I noticed that over the years the menu has changed and so have the chefs, but today just blew me away. I sit down in the back where the sushi bar is and I'm sitting at a table for 10 minutes (no lie, I timed it) with numerous servers walking past me and even the Japanese chef asking them to bring me some water and take my order.  Two, yes TWO servers were in the area when he said it and I heard both of them say "that's not my section" (oh and by the way it was NOT busy at all, just barely had people in there). So after the Japanese chef finds out who my server is, he commences to calling him stupid and using the four letter S word RIGHT in front of me talking about the guy.  Not sure if patrons are supposed to hear that or not, but I wasn't impressed with his choice of words. The server FINALLY comes over and takes my order and within a few minutes (less than the time I sat waiting for a server) my food comes out.  Now granted I know it's sushi so it shouldn't take long to prepare but that was a little TOO quick for my liking.  Come to find out, they prepare a bunch of rolls in advance and just serve them.  I don't know how long they're sitting out, nor do I know if they're FRESH or not.  And I'll tell you one thing, I tried something new with this one Japanese roll and the salmon did NOT taste fresh at all.  I almost vomit after putting it in my mouth. So, the servers not wanting to get me any water (and it wasn't was just water, they didn't even have to take my order), the sushi chef swearing and carrying on right in front of me, and the non fresh food is definitely reason enough for me to never return. I used to really love this place and raved about it all the time...what happened Shout?
by Wynell Weger on
What an odd place!  You really need to see it to believe it.  A very diverse crowd.  Laid back atmosphere.  The singers at the piano bar are usually pretty good, and the music is fun to dance to. I don't really love the martinis, which are a bit icky sweet.
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