by nina s. on EHHHH... just so-so... I have been here twice with my girlfriends and got in right away with no troubles both times... So that was easy! The outside patio is nice... There's a little nook with a few couches on your left-hand side as soon as you walk in that is good for chillin and people-watching. The downstairs bar/dance floor is normally empty, which is nice if you just want to dance with a group of friends... the music is also good here! If you want to sweat out toxins, and perhaps lose a couple of pounds, then work your way on upstairs to the sauna----I mean DANCE FLOOR. The place is smelly, stuffy, annnnnd oh-sO-hot!!! The DJ is good, but I think I like the downstairs DJ better. Once you get past the stuffiness, there is another bar area and a lof of tables. All in all, the music is good... The outside patio is cool to enjoy a cig/people-watch, and the venue has an interesting set-up... The crowd is just OK and the stuffy upstairs dance floor could use some ventilation. I can't really comment on the drinks at the bar, as both times I went, my promoter-friend had a table. I don't think he is promoting there any more... So I will probably never go back to Hwood. Oh well! Good to know you while it lasted, Hwood!
by Landon Frankenfield on Plymouth gin in their signature martinis. nuff said. Oh, wait, one more thing. perfect dirty martinis, just the right amount of juice. combined with that plymouth gin. okay, that's all you need to know. oh, except that the cute waiter flirts with me. okay, he flirts with everybody, but that includes me. when he brings me my dirty martini. with plymouth gin. end of story.