Laurelwood NW Public House
2327 Northwest Kearney Street
Portland, OR 97210
Multnomah County
Phone: (503) 228-5553
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Dee P. on
There's no way I'll ever stand in line for a DJ night here again, but if you're into that sort of thing there seems to be a good scene. What I WILL do is walk down from the Harvard side of Central for the fabulous low-priced lunch. It's a limited menu, and some people are weirded out by the low table thing, but it's easily one of the tastiest and least expensive lunches out in Central. Screw Miracle of Science ($9 for a chicken tender?), screw Central Kitchen (can't get out of there for less than $15), screw the Tavern (an hour for service and average-at-best food) and hit Middlesex for soup and sandwiches. Good stuff.
by Ron L. on
The best salsa palace within 200 miles.  For me, the best I've ever been to.  And yes, I've been to the Mayan in Los Angeles. Cocomo has different music on other nights;  some Sundays it's Argentine Tango, most Fridays it's r&b nasty-as-ya-wanna-be.  But management learned a long time ago that most of its patrons want salsa.  And salsa is what they got, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.  The whole thing is a dancer's special, from the floor to the sound system.  There's also merengue and bachata thrown in occasionally. Many dancers here are so good they're scary.  But beginners feel welcome too.  Of course, a beginner in a place like this will feel intimidated.  And there will always be the jerks who look down on you if you're not a good dancer.  But every night has lessons, and that helps a lot. I've taken non-dancers here, including my wife, and they're all fascinated by what they see.  The bands are good, esp. Orquesta Borinquen, and the dancers become part of the show.  It's the best introduction to the salsa scene I can think of.  And when a merengue comes on, my wife grabs my hand and drags *me* onto the floor! Extra brownie points for the location.  It's out of the way, which could be bad.  But it's in an industrial neighborhood, so lots of free on-street parking - a rarity in San Francisco.  It doesn't look like much on the outside.  But it's what's inside that counts.  Unfortunately, the bathrooms are terrible . . . So yes, it's earned its reputation, both local and national (USA Today had it as the third best club in America a few years ago).  If you dance salsa and are in SF, stop on by.  Be warned, though, you may not want to leave.
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