Laurelwood Public House & Brewery
1728 Northeast 40th Avenue
Portland, OR 97212
Multnomah County
Phone: (503) 282-0622
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Rohit J. on
So I picked this place to celebrate my boy's birthday where about 13 of us went last Saturday night. This place is really cool, different, a lot of fun but can get real expensive real fast! I had actually called ahead to see how bringing a group here worked and  the event coordinator was really nice and showed me all the options. I choose to go with the drink tickets which were $10 a ticket with a 3 ticket minimum per person. So pretty much this got us in the door no problem and saved us a good amount of money on drinks because their drinks range from about $12-$19 and beers $6-$13. They had also suggested to buy game tickets in advance for $78 but DON'T do it, it doesn't save you shit in the end. Just buy them while your there you'll actually save a couple of bucks. Once you start drinking and playing, you will realize you've gone through your tickets like water especially if your a big group. Overall this place is pretty sick and if you go in a group you are in for an awesome time for sure. Also they have a dunk tank which you can go in for $25 bucks and you get a T-shirt and boxers for going in. O I forgot the drinks are really strong, you definitely get your money's worth on the alcohol whether you like it or not! I will definitely be back!
by Rob Y. on
I have a confession to make. This was my first "Drag Brunch". No, it does not involve cars (which I thought that was a possibility, but then I realized it was in SF). So, this place is at the top of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel with some pretty good views (assuming that it isn't foggy/rainy in which it was with this case). First off the food was pretty good. Nice spread, omelet station with the obligatory prime rib. Fresh squeezed OJ, and mimosas! As for the show, I have never had soo much fun at a brunch! No really, I thought it was pretty entertaining. It was pretty much G-rated so nothing really nasty. My phone sucked at taking pictures, so once my friend emails me the pics I will post them. So yes, I would say its worth the $45/person. Now when I go to Las Vegas, I just might consider something else than Cirque Du Soleil. It is recommended that you make reservations but don't be late because they might make fun of you.
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