Lava Mountain Lodge and Wilderness Boundary Restaurant
3577 US Hwy 26/287, POB 658
Dubois, AK 82513
Fremont County
Phone: 307 455 2506
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Hours: 7 am to 2 am
Lava Mountain Lodge and Wilderness Boundary Restaurant - About Us
Lodge, Camping, Cabins, Vacation Rentals, General Store, Gas Station, Laundromat and Full Service Restaurant and Bar. "Liquor Between The Peaks" logo wear. Summer Weekend BBQ's and Bully Bingo for Charity. Summer, Winter and Hunting Seasons. Continental Divide Snowmobile Trail-ride from our front door. Located in the Shoshone National Forest. Near Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks between Jackson Hole and Dubois, Wyoming. Biker, Snowmobile, Dog and Horse friendly.
Website Description and Information
Lodge Rooms, Grizzly Camping Cabins, Park Model Cabin Vacation Rentals, Large Group/Family House, Tent and RV sites, General Store, Gas Station, Full Service Bar and Restaurant, "Lava Mountain Lodge" and "Liquor Between the Peaks" logo wear. Summer Weekend BBQ's and Bully Bingo for Charity.
Staff and Visitor Photos
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by Justin F. on
Believe the HYPE !!!!! This place does not disappoint unless you count the door guy.  Once inside you feel like "Hollywood".  Everything is in its place.  Perfect.  The terrace is a cool spot to eat but like I said - THIS PLACE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT.
by Jarrett R. on
The first time I went to this place was during SXSW to catch some bands. The staff at Beauty Bar was not too friendly to outsiders/ non-regulars then and the experience was the same when I went on a regular night. Most places downtown have a $10 minimum for credit cards. I have no clue as to why its $20 there because unless something really special was going on (like the Photobooth Bar Crawl) I wouldn't be in there long enough to fulfill a minimum bar tab. Just not my scene at all.
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