Lava Zone
15-2929 Government Main Road
Pahoa, HI 96778
Hawaii County
Phone: (808) 965-2222
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Hours: unknown
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by Kealan C. on
I'll admit it: when I walked into Griffin, I was impressed. One extra star for decor. The giant chandelier, yes, but I spent a lot of time gazing into the candles mirrored underneath the bar. Oh right,  I spent a lot of time gazing at the candles mirrored underneath the bar. I was kind of bored here. The music wasn't terrible - it was actually pretty decent, but overall the atmosphere is a little confusing. Who ARE you Griffin? Are you the two 19 year old girls making out with each other? Or are you the 21 year old dandy Swedish lad standing on the couch who knew every word to "Poker Face"? Maybe you're the guido-esque couple making a baby in the corner. I just don't know. You'll do a little dancing, a lotta people watching, but you probably won't stay long.
by Darla Bynum on
*shudder I loathe this place. Every once in a while I'm drawn in by one of the street walker people that offers a free round to come inside. good things: the bar is clean and looks awesome, variety (3 floors, each w/ a different vibe), places to sit down bad things: gag! the crowd. the top floor is buzzing with creepy guys just watching and drooling over all over the hammered and sloppy girls. this place is just a big hot mess...minus the hot. avoid at all costs--if you go in, make sure you're getting a free drink out of it. If you're a girl and you're going in---make sure you have guys with you to be "blockers" or spot a decent looking guy (if you can find any) to dance with in case the creepers make a move.
by Alvera Broadwell on
This place is fun... but weird... but fun. It was recommended to me by another rateclubser, so I thought I had to give it a shot. First, let me say it's really hard to find. Camac is this tiny street that you really have to be looking for or else you'll miss it and end up circling around for a while... as I did. The bar itself has two levels: downstairs is sort of a piano bar... with a piano, sing along blah blah blah. Not really my thing but it was lively, pretty crowded, and the crowd was friendly. Upstairs is where I ended up hanging out: bar, and dance floor (which was mostly empty when I was there), some eye candy, strong drinks: nice! I had a pretty good time (even though I didn't stay for too long), and I'd probably go again next time I'm in town.
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