3787 Old Register Road
Statesboro, GA 30458
Bulloch County
Phone: (912) 871-5349
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Beatrice T. on
Was here last night for the CCA after party and thought the place had a really cool vibe.  I'm on the conservative side but can still appreciate an art gallery lounge that features a giant bird swallowing a human and then pooing him out. What I DON'T appreciate is waiting 20 minutes and still not getting a drink after finally scoring a spot at the bar.  They clearly favored people they knew and would serve them the second they got near yet my friends and I could not seem to waive a bartender down.  Another guy in our group had no problem ordering us bottles of champagne but I guess beer drinkers don't get that kind of attention.  Our group left by 11pm.
by Marcela Clemon on
I'm writing about the GAY Sunday party. Josh Wood srikes again with 1OAK. The crowd is pretty cute. I love when Lady Fag runs around in her craziness. The space is decorated beautifully. There even a smoking room inside the club surrounded by mirrors that is basically a wall-enclosed alley! You look up and you see the sky, very cool. My biggest complaint about 1OAK is the crazy price of drinks. $10 for a beer! I know it's manhattan and they don't have a cover but c'mon! This is pretty much a good starter bar for Sunday night. They literally kick you out at 1am.
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