Lenny's Bar & Grill
307 Memorial Dr Se
Atlanta, GA 30312
Fulton County
Phone: (404) 577-7721
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Rudy Fuelling on
The venue itself is big enough for me to dance and has two rooms. I've only been here once and didn't like it at all probably because it was asian night by visionshock. I might give it another shot if there wasn't an event by asian promoters because I like diversity whenever I go to clubs.
by Hilton Wanland on
Cool. Great view. Expensive drinks. They apparently have food, which is probably overpriced. Yadda yadda. I'm not *dying* to come back, but I'd probably recommend it to visitors. I have a friend in high places (do expatriate techno DJs count as high-place people?) who was performing here one night. I credit him for getting us out on the "balcony" (a fire escape with a nice view where the employees take breaks), so that was pretty cool. The crowd that night was meh (techno ain't really my thing), but the atmosphere of fans + older tourists still didn't bug me. I give it props for being nice and old-worldy inside, with tons of pictures of Harry Denton and all the famous people who hit up his bar back in the day. Cocktail (just the one at $12 a pop) was good; Cointreau and rum concoction was tasty, but nothing exceedingly special. it seems like Top of the Mark is their biggest fancy-drink-old-world-bar competition, so I'd still head there first if I'm in the area and looking for an old bar with a view.
by Meghan K. on
We had a table, so they were nice to us.  The waitress poured deathly drinks, though--- was one bottle not enough? Also if you open a tab at the bar?  They tack on gratuity. Good music and we were 6 feet from Derek Jeter = freaking fun night, but I don't know why anyone would go without a hookup.
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